apa khabar kawan2 semua..hopefully hari ini semua ceria2 belaka, maklumlah 1st day of the week..ada yg bersemangat dan ada gak yg masih dalam mood coti..:) as for me.. alhamdulillah..harinih mood baik..
ok saya nak buat tag yg diminta oleh ika..actually dari hari sabtu nak buat tapi malassss nak on lappy...bila dah ada kemudahan hp leh online tu yg jadi malas..anyway utk adik ika yg comel..(p/s: im still new in tagging ni so kalau ada silap tu buat2 tak nampak eh.. masih fail lagi dalam blogging ni ..)
1. The Rules are simple. Use Google Image to search the answers to the questions below.
2. Then, you must choose a picture in the first page of result and post it as your answer.
3. After that tag 12 people.
Q.1 : THE AGE OF YOUR NEXT BIRTHDAY? i`ll be 35 on june 24th, nati kita celebrate sama2 eh..

Q.2 : PLACE I LIKE TO TRAVEL THE MOST? Ermm.. Paris, Colorado (ive been here b4, mmg sgt lawaaa) and Mauritius( lately ni suka pulak pantai2 ni taktau kenapa)

Q.3 : My Favourite Food? Definitely my Moms Cooking, Thai Food, Mexican Food n Japanese food.. Yummy

Q.4 :NICKNAME THAT I HAVE : Qaseh & Zaza

Q.5 : MY FAV COLOR? Definitely pink, purple and white..

Q.6 : THE CITY I LIVE NOW? Kajang...

Q.7 : THE PLACE I WAS BORN? Anak jati johor...

Q.8 : MY COLLEGE MAJOR : Finance...!!

Q.9: MY BAD HABIT? SUka buat kerja last minute!

Q.10 : MY HOBBY? Sleeping, Online window shopping and Blogging!

Q.11 : My WISH ? Beautiful, wealthy and a happy family! InsyaALLAH

Abis dah question... okay saya kena tag 12 org sebenarnya tapi rasanya kawan2 blog tak sampai 12 lagi ni..so mana yg ada la ehh.. hehe
ermm saya nak tag
1) Ibuani - ibu aqilah comel
2) Mia
3) Roxy
4) Mama Khaleef
5) CIk adek manes
6) EInz
7) Sufy
8) azreen
9) ayu
waaaa cukup jugak 12 org...hehe sory kawan2 ..im still new in dis tagging stuff.. tapi nampak macam fun jgak kan.. nati bila2 free buat eh..
hyeee...heee..ok, nanti sy jwb tag tu yerrr...heee
jom join my new post..ngee
eh..nama bim takde??uhuhuh...sedey nyer..
hahaha..gurau jer..sib baik takde..tak brape rajin sbnrnye tag2 ni ..tapi fun la kadang2 kalau masa takde mende nak buat kan..
Sufy : haa buat jgn tak buat eh..
Bimbo : adeh bim syg..bim da kena tag tu ngan roxy.. kena buat gak...heheheh
oooo.dok johor ye...mia pun kat johor..hehe
ye-ye.. nnti saye wat ye !
bestnye akak.. dh ghik paris sgala tue.. nnti kOt-kOt nak gi lgi, jgn lupe bwk saye hoke.. ! ;]
CIk adek manes : aisey syg.. akak lum sampai paris lagi.. colorado je penah..tak reti nak postkan gamba masa buat tag ni..paris ngan mauritius tu tpt yg akak teringin nak pegi..tapi colorado mg akak da pi dah dulu masa study kat US dulu hehehe..salah info tu.. tapi takper..ada rezeki nati kita g sama2 eh..haha
Mia - ina : hehe asal johor..tapi lama da tak balik johor ni.. :)
wakakaka.. ! sory kak..
agaknye saye bace lam keadaan mamai kots..
betuah sgguh dpt stdy obersi, kan.. bley jgk travel tmpt-tmpt laen.. ;]
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